Company name
Arvin Sango Inc.
Date of event
Place of event
Madison, Indiana, U.S.A.
Number of participants
Number of planted trees
Tree species
American beech, White oak, Red oak, Schmud Oak, American elm, red maple, and others
Participation of advisors
Activity targets, ideas, etc.
It was the sixth tree-planting event for ASI, and the plant was surrounded by about 25,000 trees. Before the opening ceremony, owls and hawks in a nearby natural park were exhibited to explain the biodiversity of the area. The animal show showed a rabbit and turtle competition, and children learned the characteristics of a crocodile, snake, and frog while touching the creatures.
The temperature rose to 30 degrees Celsius and it was a nice day for tree planting.
The tree planting was completed in about two hours, and the participants enjoyed a lunch of freshly cooked hot dogs and hamburgers.
The first planting area has grown to a height of 5 to 6 meters and is growing steadily.
It is presumed to be the effect of humus containing organic matter such as wood chips.
Dr. Akira Miyawaki and Dr. Kazue Fujiwara surveyed the native tree species in Indiana. They taught Madison’s nursery contractor how to make potted seedlings and how to raise and plant seedlings appropriate for the land.
Other comments
On-site biodiversity classes were given to children and attendees by a federal nature reserve expert while showing creatures.
Contact person
〒456-0023 1-3-1, Mutsuno, Atsuta, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Sango Co., Ltd. (Attn. Yukio Goto