Company name
Date of event
Place of event
TOSB Organized Industrial Place in Kocaeli/Turkey where STI is located
Number of participants
Number of planted trees
Tree species
Oak, Bay laurel, Cercis siliquastrum vs. (Total 8 species)
Participation of advisors
Activity targets, ideas, etc.
There is no tree-planting space left in our company, therefore last year we worked on providing guidance and support for planting trees in a nearby Japanese company by using the Miyawaki method. However, only leaders could attend the event held by the other company.
For this reason, this year we got some tree-planting area provided by the TOSB company which STI belongs to, so all of our employees could participate in it.
However, there was no extra area for breakfast in TOSB planting place, so we had breakfast on our company while watching the video of planting event for Mr. Miyawaki’s recovery from illness.
After the opening ceremony, we moved to the planting area by shuttle bus and we finally planted trees.
After the planting, we went back to STI to have some lunch and ended with a Turkish song and the Japanese song of Furusato by singing in chorus.
Other comments
The tree-planting area was surrounded by fences, and the participants were more than expected. That’s why there were cramped spaces with lots of people in the area during planting trees. (The participation rate was higher than previous years because of the clear weather.)
However, since it’s a rare event that we don’t usually have the opportunity to join, we had some comments like, “It was very meaningful,” or ”The whole of my family was satisfied,” and so on.
Contact person
STI General Affairs Dept. Naoko Nakajima +90 262 679 6110