Company name
Yamada Bee Farm, Xishan Forest Farm in Kunming City, Yokohama City Univ., Jiangsu Normal Univ., Bei-Qian Green Foundation
Date of event
Place of event
Xishan in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China (Lat. N 25°2′53″, Long. E 102°37′15″, ca 2,200 m s. l.)
Number of participants
Number of planted trees
Tree species
Seven species of native saplings that were grown in Xishan Forest Farm. Quercus franchetii (evergreen, oak), Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides (evergreen, oak), Q. yunnanensis (deciduous, oak), Pyrus pashia (d., pear), Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa(d.), Cerasus cerasoides (d., cherry), Pyracantha fortuneana (e.g.)
Participation of advisors
Prof. K. Fujiwara could not come to China because of COVID 19. She made guidance on construction of terraces on the steep slope to plant saplings, how to plant saplings, and maintenance after plantation. Prof. Hai-Mei You translated the guidance from Japanese to Chinese and instructed construction and 20,000 seedlings plantation at Xishan, Kunming.
Activity targets, ideas, etc.
The planted area is a steep slope of 2,200 m above sea level, overlooking Tianchi, the largest lake in Yunnan province. Originally it was a eucalyptus plantation, but the steep slopes were devastated by frequent forest fires due to the high oil content and dryness was widespread. Therefore, developing a large evergreen broadleaved forest by dense and mixed planting, the Miyawaki method of tree planting, could prevent forest fires. At first terraces were formed on the degraded steep slope, and the seedlings grown in the Xishan Forest Farm were planned under the 5-year plan. In the first year, we planted 20,000 seedlings in 2020. It is a place where 18 members have to transport seedlings manually many times over 30 minutes one way and planted on the terrace, but on the last day, in addition to the staff of Xishan Forest Farm, Yunnan Province, the volunteers from the Yunnan Forestry Bureau and Kunming City Forestry Bureau also participated, and these 100 people planted trees on the steep slope.
Other comments
At Yamada Bee Farm, we hold volunteer tree planting trips to China in May and Nepal in July, which also serves as an annual overseas employee training. A five-year project started in this target area in Kunming City, Yunnan Province from 2020, but due to the worldwide spread of the new COVID-19 infection, it had to be canceled in 2020, and 20,000 planting by only Chinese people was required. Over the next five years, we plan to develop evergreen broadleaved forests on this degraded land and stop forest fires on the green mountains.
Contact person
Prof. YOU, Hai-Mei: Jiangsu Normal Univ.,
TAKIGUCHI, Kazuo: Yamada Bee Farm, The head of Public Relations Office and Tokyo Branch. ℡0868(54)1906 (dial-in);